b'CAD to CAD ProjectCOLLABORATION ACROSS AGENCIES IMPROVESTIMELY COMMUNICATION AND SEAMLESS SERVICEFOR OUR COMMUNITYWhile 9-1-1 phone technology has been a sharedThis project has tremendous potential to regional technology and we work well with ourimprove our ability to communicate, make partners to relay critical emergency requestsnotifications, and share events between all between PSAPs every day, we have not takenlaw enforcement agencies. The function the leap of sharing information related toof the integration will be driven by the event information, unit availability, or any othersubject matter experts, our call-takers and information available within our computerdispatchers. We have begun to establish an aided dispatch (CAD) environment. This year,implementation team and look forward to the City of Tucson, the PSCD and the Pimacreating a system that makes work between County Sheriff have agreed to work together inagencies easier and critical communication establishing a CAD to CAD integration.more timely.2022 n ANNUAL REPORT35'