b'CULTURET here is a lot of talk about culture thesenStarting from Yes: Thats the way we have days, with employers seeking meaningfulalways done it, just isnt allowed anymore. We ways to increase employee satisfactionconsider new concepts and ideas, allowing us and retention. PSCD leadership has placedto remain agile and relevant.this objective as a top priority by leading withnRevamped Training: This year, we doubled empathy, transparency and trustworthiness,the size of the training team and took a pause prioritizing purpose, improving communicationin on-boarding new trainees while we rebuilt and taking good care of our people. training and trained our trainers.We continue to listen to and engagenInvestment in Team and Career Paths: With employees, embrace new innovations andincreased focus on mentorship and succession provide support to solve long-standingplanning, we allow our team members to see problems. By firming up our foundationthemselves as the future, dedicated leaders of through policy, capturing meaningful metrics,our City.empowering employees, and providing on-going training and support, we allow newnPolicy: To gain buy-in and compliance, policy ideas to surface and provide hope and stabilitymust be up-to-date, logical, meaningful, and to our staff. simple. This year, the PSCD has refreshed or A 2021 employee survey listed staffing, pay,written policy reflective of end-user inputs. training, culture, mental stress and poorClear policy provides consistency and communication as the biggest issues affectingstructure, further defining our desired culture.morale. Resignation interviews often cited anFocus on Wellness: PSCD leadership believes negative atmosphere, we had inconsistentthat a well-cared for staff is paramount to leadership, training mechanisms and contentefficient service delivery. Each and every were outdated, people were not feeling heard,proposal and change must start with the and discipline was favored over coaching.consideration of the impact to the wellness of Though there is much work that remains, aour team. strong effort towards a revamped culture hasnWork Groups/Committees: End-user input proven effective. and our ability to understand the roles of nEstablished Identity: Today the PSCD teamothers is crucial to getting it right when it stands as an independent and equal publiccomes to policy, workflow, schedules, and safety partner. Our telecommunicatorinteraction between the public safety teams. professionals are the experts in call sortingCommittees and work groups representative of and management and are increasingall stakeholders have allowed the opportunity their authority in deployment and tacticalfor our team members to be heard, resulting in decision making. healthier decisions and improved teamwork.14CITY OF TUCSON n PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT'